When people think of bass fishing, they usually imagine a man standing in a boat with his fishing rod. When you go to the nearest lake or river, there is almost always someone with a pole and bait ready to catch their next meal.

Find a Lake

The first step to catching your fish is understanding what kind of fish you want to catch. In this case, we will focus on catching bass because it’s one of the easiest types of freshwater fish for beginners. Before going out on the lake, make sure that you have all necessary equipment, such as a bucket and a live-bait container if needed (live bait including worms or minnows). Also, bring along any extra tools like sunscreen and bug spray, depending on weather conditions. Bass live in all kinds of lakes. As long as there is wet stuff and fish, they’ll be happy customers!

Buy Some Fishing Gear

“Now we solve the problem,” you might say to yourself, “Because I don’t have any fishing gear.” Luckily for you, this guide has already solved the problem by telling you to buy some! You’ll want your fishing gear to include at least these three things: A boat (preferably a canoe), a net, and some fishing line.

Buy Live Bait

If you don’t aspire to spend as much time as this guide is going to take, buying live fish from the store might be your best bet. Just make sure that they’re alive before you start because once they’re dead, it’s pretty hard to tell!

Go Out On The Boat at Night

Nights are a popular time for bass fishers because there isn’t much light source competing with them. If you leave during the day, all those other boats will be able to see your bobber, but if you go at night, they’ll probably run into your boat first! There is no competition over the fish during the night – it’s just you and your fishing buddy against the bass!

Find a Good Place to Drop Your Line

You’ll want to find an area where you can put your boat to cast out. Ensure that there are no other boats around because if they’re already out there, their bobbers will be blocking yours. You could also use this time to talk about how nice it would be if people weren’t so rude as to hog all the fishing spots up with their boats. Still, now is not necessarily the time for politics! Instead, make like Mary Poppins and “practically perfect in every way”! Or something like that. Anyways, once you have a good area, drop your line!

Wait For the Fish to Bite

If you’re not very confident in yourself as a fisherman, this step can be tricky. Figuring out whether or not a fish has bitten is a challenging skill that takes years of practice to master – if you’re lucky enough to have accidentally picked it up already, then great! If not, you should probably reread Step 5. Only this time, make sure that the other boats aren’t getting in your way either. Honestly, at this point, I’m starting to wonder why people don’t just use those mechanical fishing toys!