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Outdoor Sports
How To Avoid These 5 Common Golfing Mistakes

Common golf mistakes are easy enough to spot on TV or at the professional level, but it's harder to identify these issues when you're playing by yourself.

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Reasons Why Fishing Is the Best Sport

If you want to catch something, then buckle down and pay attention to the details—that's where the learning begins.

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5 Hikes to Take Near NYC

If you're not up for a full day or even a weekend trip to the woods, there are plenty of places near New York City that offer hikes less than an hour's drive away.

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Guidelines for Choosing a Hunting Outfit

Over the last two weeks, I have been getting many messages regarding what clothing is best to wear during your hunts.

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Handicapped Gear
5 Reasons To Use Handicapped Gear For Your Business

When trying to run a business, everyone wants the best for their company.

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Outdoor Sports

How To Avoid These 5 Common Golfing Mistakes

Common golf mistakes are easy enough to spot on TV or at the professional level, but it’s harder to identify these issues when you’re playing by yourself.

However, these mistakes are so common among amateur players that they can be a real hindrance to your ability to play well. If you make one of these five common mistakes in golf, here’s how to fix it.

Picking up Your Head Too Soon

Gloved Hand of Golfer Places Ball on Tee
How To Choose The Right Golf Gloves

There are hundreds of different types of golf gloves, and choosing one can be difficult. To get started, you’ll need to know your purposes for buying a pair of gloves; then, you can begin looking at styles, colors, and prices. Different people have different needs when it comes to golf gloves. Some players may require more grip than others, while others prefer a simple color combination over something bright or flashy. The factors that should influence your decision the most are – comfort, grip, functionality, and price.

Volleyball on sand
The 3 Biggest Benefits Of Outdoor Sports

Since the dawn of time, man has been obsessed with sports. We are born into bodies specifically designed for running, jumping, and throwing. We have evolved to do these three things better, not just to survive but to thrive!

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What You Should Pack For a Hike

Do you have everything necessary to go for a hike? You should if you have the right gear. Make sure of this first, so you will not be disappointed once the adventure begins. Here is a checklist of things you might want to bring on your trip:

What You Need To Know About Hiking Boots

Have you ever got a pair of hiking boots only to find they are uncomfortable or even painful after walking around in them for more than ten minutes? Have you found yourself wondering why there are so many brands and styles available, with features that make absolutely no sense without some knowledge of what it is you need from your new boots?

Useful Tips for Hiking Success

Do you regularly hike? If not, why? Do you want more people to join you on your next hike? Hiking can be a fun and adventurous activity, but it also has risks. It’s important to know what you’re getting into before setting out on your next hike. Here are some tips that will help ensure the success of any hiking…

How to Prepare for Your First Hike

People who hike all the time know what to expect from a hike. They’ve been doing it for years and have an idea of how difficult it’s going to be. Most people who aren’t used to hiking yet? Well! They don’t know what to expect. That’s why this guide exists! I’m here to tell you all about the basics of…

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Handicapped Gear

Senior on wheelchair
5 Reasons To Use Handicapped Gear For Your Business

When trying to run a business, everyone wants the best for their company. This can mean buying new equipment or hiring employees. However, sometimes your budget may be too tight to afford these things. Luckily, there is one area where you can get great deals on tools and equipment: handicapped gear! Here are five reasons why using it in your small business could give you an edge over other companies in your industry.

Senior woman in wheelchair at home.
How To Pick The Right Handicapped Gear For Your Life

Many things come into play when choosing the right handicapped gear. Some people may be entirely new to the world of mobility, while others have been around for quite some time. When you’re considering purchasing new equipment or adapting current equipment, a few considerations should be made before making any decisions. We’ll cover all of this and more in our blog post today!

Wheelchair in a room
How To Take A Shower In Your Wheelchair

A person in a wheelchair might not know how to take a shower or bath because some challenges arise. The first thing they need to do is find the best way to get into and out of the tub safely and easily. When they decide to get into the tub, it may be difficult if their arms are weak. A person will need someone to help them enter and exit the bathroom if they cannot move around very well by themselves.